Paul Herbert

Why the Internet is blue

Blue rules on the Internet

Envato’s blog post confirmed what many of us have known for a while… blue is the favorite color on the Internet. Just look at logos for social networking sites, and you will see a sea of blue, with some other colors sprinkled in. Facebook Twitter, LinkedIn and Google all use blue for logos and Web sites.

The sky is blue, and the atmosphere is blue. But why did Internet pioneers choose blue, or a specific blue?

  • Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Internet, was shown blue links on early screen prototypes. The color stuck.
  • Mark Zuckerberg chose blue for FaceBook because he is (red/green) colorblind.
  • Google tested 41 shades of blue for Internet links, and today billions of people see the blue that won the user test.

Designer Paul Herbert’s 2016 analysis of the hues used on the ten most popular Internet sites shows that blue is by far the most popular color, with twice the usage of red or yellow, and four times the usage of green or purple(see my post, The colors of the Web). You can find an interactive version of the image below on his Web site.

Colors of the 10 most popular Web sites, 2016 (

Blue has many personalities

Blue is like a chameleon, with many hues and many personalities. Blue can convey professionalism, it can be warm and inviting, exciting, or cold and scientific. Which blues do you use?

Posted by JBG in Color, Corporate Identity, Design, Web Design

The colors of the Web

Blues top the charts

Blue hues reign at the top of the most used hues on the most popular Internet sites, according to Paul Herbert Designs. This designer wrote a script to “scrape” the most-used colors from the most visited sites, according to First, he has a graphic with the colors from the top ten sites. You can mouse over a color on his Web site to see its HEX code.

The Most Popular Colors on the Web (Source: Paul Herbert)

The most popular colors by hue

Herbert also charts colors by hue, both on a bar chart and using a radial map where you can change the background color. Blues rule!

Color formats

Herbert analyzed the color code formats used. Designers used HEX (hexadecimal) most often, then RGBa (red-green-blue + alpha), 3-digit HEX and named colors, in that order. None of the designers used RBG, HSL (hue-saturation-lightness) or HSLa (HSL + alpha )formats.

Tools and Tutorials

Finally, Paul Herbert describes the meaning of different color formats, and how to convert colors among the formats. He explains the science behind the different formats; predefined color names, RGB, RGBa, HEX, 3-digit HEX, HSL and HSLa.

Posted by JBG in Color, Guidelines, Standards, Web Design, 0 comments